Your nautical products store at the best price
Everything your need for your safety and that of your companions; adults, kids and pets.
Remember that all the safety equipment has to:
Comply with current regulations regarding safety equipment, quantity and expiry date
Have up to date inspections and examinations with authorized insptection partners
The lifeline is the indispensable complement of the lifejacket. They may be permanent or temporary.
La reglamentación española exige dentro del equipo de salvamento obligatorio, un aro salvavidas con rabiza de 27,5 m. de cabo flotante y luz flotante automática.
Lifefafts, floating cushions, IOR spars. SOLA, NO SOLAS and ISO 9650 standard.
El sitio en donde comprar recambios de bocinas para barcos. Tanto de plástico como portatil de gas.
Waterproof bags for your personal equipment and your clothes. Keep everithing dry.
En estos botiquines podra guardar los medicamentos y utensilios quirúrgicos necesarios para aplicar los primeros auxilios.
Foam and inflatable vests. Harnesses and lifelines. Everything for adults, children and pets.
Con los detectores de gas podra detectar fugas de gas con fiabilidad y evitar accidentes.
Ergonomic folding ladders, easy to assemble and disassemble and of minimum space required.
For each type of fire there is an adequate extinguisher, although some of them are valid for several types of fire at the same time.
La luz flotante de emergencia, tiene una capacidad de emitir luz blanca de mínimo 2 candelas.
IN-SHOP SALES ONLY (according to Royal Decree 563/2010 May 7, Chapter II, Article 124.2.).
Llevando uno a bordo ( situado lo mas alto posible) estaremos seguros que nuestro barco sera detectado por los radares.
Radar reflectors, cones and black balls, mirrors, horns, flags, etc. Important elements required for a safe navigation.
Plugs, buckets, bailing pumps, manual and electrical pumps
Equipment necessary for survival. Many products are certified to comply with maritime laws.