Returns and changes of materials
When is it a voluntary return?
A voluntary return is when the item is in perfect state but the customer is not convinced. This does not include ropes, boat crafts and engines.
How many days are available for returning the product?
The customer has 14 working days to exercise the right of dismissal, that is, to communicate the intention of returning the product.
The return of non wanted products after their reception can be done in no more than 14 working days from the date of the exercise of the right of dismissal.
In what state must be the order?
The product has to be in perfect state, with the original packaging and labelling and in the same box in which it was sent.
When will I get the refund of my purchase?
After approving the refund (the items must be in perfect state and have the corresponding labels), you will get a confirmation e-mail informing you that the refund will be done by bank transfer or credit card, depending on the payment method that you chose (remember that the refund to the credit card always depends on your bank).
Are there any charges not included in the refund?
In the case of the exercise of the right of dismissal, the only expenses paid by the customer, will be the shipment expenses and the refund commissions of the transportation company.
The shipment expenses and the refund commissions of the transportation company will only be refunded in the case of mistake in the shipment or faulty goods.
What should I do if the returned amount is not correct?
You must contact our Customer Service Department, we will solve your problem as soon as possible.
What if the product is faulty? only sells products in perfect state, but if it was not the case, please send an e-mail to, telling us the order number and the product description with a brief explanation of the defect. Our Customer Service department will get in touch with you as soon as possible.