

When we decide to go sailing in our boat, one of the most important aspects is the energy on board. Without it, electronic navigation instruments do not work, the same happens with navigation or night lights, or any electrical appliances that make our life easier on board.

Batteries and Accesories

Batteries and Accesories

Batteries and wind generators or solar panels for a fully autonomous power equipment to recharge the batteries.



The most common way to recharge the batteries, is the own alternator of the engine of the boat.

Plugs and Adaptors

Plugs and Adaptors

Enchufes y adaptadores para conectar nuestro barco en los pantalanes.



Disconnectors, switches, etc., are essential elements to ensure the durability of batteries.



Waterproof led torches are really practical and economical in consumption.

Navigation Lights

Navigation Lights

From mandatory navigation green and red lights to the white light at the stern, those in the masthead that we will use when anchoiring at night, the interior lights, etc.

Electrical Switchboards

Electrical Switchboards

The electrical switchboard must be functional, accessible and above all, it must be protected from moisture.