Product no.: N080404/B3903000

Short-circuit disconnect. Disconnect the short-circuit load 500 amps.

13.48 *

In stock


Product no.: N080401/17540

Not only serves as a switch but as battery disconnect. To isolate or connect the power supply circuit and motor starting.

38.20 *

In stock

(Version: B. 431X257X256 - 339MM)

Battery box. Polypropylene rigid and resistant to acids. Airy, served with mounting strap.

Version: B. 431X257X256 - 339MM
18.13 *

In stock

12 V Battery charger designed to charge all types of lead acid batteries in more demanding applications.


From 267.00 *

In stock

Product no.: N090513/90890007

Submersible pump automatic bilge Lalizas combines quality and ease of use. It contains an automatic switch that activates or deactivates the pump

36.75 *

In stock